We are currently working on putting together an exciting lineup for MIMS Learning Live North 2024.

Be sure to check in for any new updates you might have missed!

Don't need convincing and want to secure your place now?

This event is made possible by sponsorship from organisations including pharmaceutical, med tech companies and service providers none of which have influenced the event agenda or the choice of speakers. Sessions delivered with input from these organisations are marked as such on the programme and include: Abbott, A. Menarini Farmaceutica Internazionale SRL, CHEC, Chiesi Ltd, Cura Leaf Laboratories, Exeltis UK, Gedeon Richter UK, Haemochromatosis UK, Kyowa Kirin, L'Oreal, Nutricia Paediatrics, Organon Pharma (UK) Limited, Orchard Therapeutics, Reckitt Mead Johnson, Symprove Ltd, Theramex UK.

Stream A

Subfertility | Mental Health | Cardiovascular | Men's Health

plus sponsored sessions

Stream B

Dermatology | Women's Health | Neurodiversity Oncology

plus sponsored sessions

09:00 - 09:05

Welcome from MIMS Learning & Chair’s Opening Address

Stream A

09:15 - 09:20

Welcome from MIMS Learning & Chair’s Opening Address

Stream B

09:05 - 09:50


Stream A

  • Diagnosis 
  • Causes (including endometriosis)
  • Investigations to conduct 
  • Referral options

09:20 - 10:05

Eye Eye! Common dermatology problems around the eye

Stream B

  • Tips on recognition, diagnosis and management of common dermatological problems to be seen in the delicate peri-orbital skin
  • Pointers for onward referral, including skin cancers

09:50 - 10:35

Rare Diseases in General Practice: Are they really so rare?

Stream A

In this session, where product may be mentioned,  we examine the frequency of rare paediatric neurological disorders in the United Kingdom and explore strategies for prompt early intervention to accelerate referrals. By focusing on a case study of Metachromatic Leukodystrophy, a condition that affects 1 in 100,000 individuals, we delve into the world of rare diseases from a familial viewpoint. We will discuss typical symptoms, the profound impact of the disease on both the patient and their family, the consequences of misdiagnosis, ways to prevent this, and practical steps to take for a better outcome.

IE-NoP-2400035 I DOP: November 2024

10:05 - 10:50

Oranges are not the only fruit – FP10 vs OTC emollient ingredients and outcomes

Stream B

  • The importance of the skin barrier in inflammatory skin disorders
  • how a dysfunctional dermis impacts on eczema severity
  • Latest studies and data to show how helping the skin barrier to repair itself with optimum emollient therapy will improve eczema outcomes

10:35 - 11:15 | Networking Coffee Break

11:00 - 11:45

Perinatal Mental Health Difficulties - How can primary care help?

Stream A

  • The range of problems women and birth persons can experience in the perinatal period 
  • The impact of perinatal mental health difficulties on women, infants and families 
  • The range of management options in primary care 
  • The role of primary care, community care and community organisations in supporting women with perinatal mental health problems

11:15 - 12:00

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Stream B

11:45 - 12:30

POP that pill – all you need to know about progestogen only pills in primary care

Stream A

This session will explore initiating, switching and missed pill guidelines for Progestogen-only Pills (POP) in Primary Care.

12:00 - 12:45

Multifaceted challenges of asthma care

Stream B

  • An understanding of what the one airway challenge is and the importance of assessing the entire airway during and as part of an asthma review. 
  • Practical top tips on how to carry out your one airway assessments. 
  • Greater understanding of treatment strategies which impact patient’s quality of life and asthma control.

12:00 - 12:45

More session information coming soon…

Stream B

12:30 - 13:45 | Lunch

13:30 - 14:15

Lipid management

Stream A

  • Understanding the targets to aim for in primary and secondary prevention 
  • Increased understanding around the newer agents used in lipid management 
  • Recognising familial hypercholesterolaemia

13:45 - 14:30

Supporting neurodivergent patients in primary care

Stream B

By the end of the session it is hoped that you will gain insight into the following:

  • Understand what is meant by neurodiversity
  • Understand how neurodivergence may present in primary care
  • Understand the impact of neurodivergence on your patient population
  • Know how to support your neurodivergent patients

14:15 - 14:35

Afternoon Coffee Break

Stream A

14:30 - 14:50

Afternoon Coffee Break

Stream B

14:15 - 14:50 | Afternoon Coffee Break

14:35 - 15:20

Skin of colour

Stream A

This presentation covers various disorders which are more common or more severe in skin of colour. We will discuss diagnosis and management of dermatosis papulosa nigra, atopic dermatitis, acanthosis nigricans, vitiligo and benign longitudinal melanonychia and subungual melanoma, as well as an update on new treatment options for psoriasis, a condition which is underdiagnosed and undertreated in skin of colour. The aim of this presentation is to enable clinicians to become more familiar and confident in recognising and treating skin disease in all skin tones.

14:50 - 15:20

Effective Contraception Counselling

Stream B

Attendees will be given an insight into how to effectively counsel women on a range of contraceptive options

15:20 - 16:05

Men’s sexual health and Lower Urinary Tract symptoms: What are the links? How do we manage them? And what are the beneficial off target benefits of PDE5 inhibitors?

Stream A

  • Understand the basic definitions of LUTS
  • Understand the aetiology
  • Understand the link with erectile dysfunction
  • Assessment
  • Target treatment
  • Who to refer
  • Off target benefits of PDE5is

15:20 - 16:05

Diagnosing Haematological Cancers: What to look out for in a background of non-specific symptoms

Stream B

  • Haematological Cancers as a group are the 4th most common malignancy 
  • Like most malignancies they are more common with age 
  • The symptoms can be vague and difficult to discern if significant giving a diagnostic challenge in primary care

16:05 - 16:15

Chair’s Closing Comments

Stream A

16:15 | Conference Close