Dr Rahul Mohan

GP, MBBS - Ruddington Medical Centre, Clinical Lead, GPwSI Diabetes

Rahul Mohan is a GP Partner and Principal in Rushcliffe, Nottinghamshire, who works as the GP Lead for the Community Diabetes Service alongside DSNs, with the aim of providing diabetes care closer to home. As a GP educator and trainer for the past 13 years, he has helped GPs, DSNs, pharmacists and practice nurses to gain further confidence and skills in delivering improved diabetes care. He is currently a member of National Executive Committee of Primary Care Diabetes Society. He regularly delivers educational sessions for Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB as a part of EDEN training on various topics relevant to primary care.

He is currently Chair of the Diabetes and Technology Task and Finish group on glucose monitoring for NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB, where his focus is on reducing postcode variation whilst lobbying for measures that would improve access for hard-to-reach populations. He is liaising with various professional groups to fight the corner for primary care to have a seat at the decision-making table. He chaired the Task and finish group to bring about updates in local guidelines for managing Type 2 diabetes in line with NICE NG 28.

He has participated as a Principal Investigator for Phase 4 trials. Additionally, Rahul Mohan was a GP trainer and is also involved in the training of medical students from Nottingham Medical School.